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Team Meeting

Global Impact Strategies

At Global Impact Strategies, we believe in the power of understanding and communication. Whether you are looking to refine your messaging, explore new markets, or engage with your target audience more effectively, our tailored services are designed to bring clarity and direction to your initiatives.

Global Impact Strategies (GIS) is committed to making a measurable difference in the world through strategic political and corporate consulting, and expertly conducted focus groups. Founded by Shermichael Singleton, GIS brings together a diverse team of professionals with deep expertise in political and corporate strategy, focus groups, and strategic messaging and communications, including crisis communications.

Join us in our journey to transform ideas into action and strategies into results. With Global Impact Strategies, shape a future that aligns with your values and maximizes your global impact.

Our core mission is to empower organizations and candidates with the ability to achieve their goals by providing insightful, data-driven strategies. We specialize in conducting comprehensive focus groups that gather meaningful feedback and insights, enabling our clients to make informed decisions and enhance their impact on their target audiences.

We specialize in orchestrating meticulously designed focus groups.

Our focus groups are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring that every session is both productive and enlightening.

Customized Planning

We collaborate closely with our clients to design focus groups that are perfectly aligned with their specific objectives. Whether you are looking to launch a new product, test an advertising campaign, or understand customer sentiments, our team ensures a bespoke experience that targets your precise goals.



Shermichael Singleton brings his profound expertise in moderating discussions that encourage open communication and detailed feedback. His approach ensures that every participant feels comfortable and engaged, fostering an environment where all voices are heard and valued.

In-depth Analysis and Reporting

Post-session, our team delivers detailed reports that summarize the findings, highlight key themes, and provide actionable recommendations. We ensure that our clients receive a thorough analysis that translates complex data into clear, strategic insights.

Let's Get in Touch.

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